Sunday, June 20, 2010

Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

Here's what I recently was told: When you get out of the shower, don't towel dry your hair. You can gently squeeze the water out, but never rub your hair with a towel. Hair is fragile when it's wet, especially if it's already damaged. Don't blow-dry (but I'm NEVER going to follow that piece of advice) but if you do, try to blow-dry in one direction (never going to do that either and get flat hair...but if it works for you it's good advice). When you shampoo, be gentle and don't rub the ends together vigorously. I was told to think if your hair as dry clean only rather than wash and tumble try. Use a good protein treatment once a week as a leave in overnight and rinse it out in the mornings. I have had great success with Aveda's. Also use a good shampoo, not the cheap ones from the grocery store. They will damage your hair. I rotate my shampoos between Aveda, Redken, and Sebastian and have much healthier hair. Don't ever color your own hair at home. If you want it done, then have it professionally done. It will still get damaged, but a lot less. Most damage to your hair comes from breakage due to the things mentioned above. If you keep the hair healthy by using good products and avoiding doing things to damage your hair, then a modest "tipping" of the ends every few months...not even a trim...should be enough to get rid of split ends and damaged tips, and stop the hair from breaking.

Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

apply coconut oil every day on Ur scalp , massage it very well till it will get absorbed in Ur scalp dont use alkaline shampoos and harsh conditioners, avoid dyes and colors or any kind of hear proses.

Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?


Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

hi...first of all its a very gud question.

when you wash your hair do not comb it immediately ,try to do it with your fingers.Put shampoo which suits your hair and does not have much chemicals .


Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

Don't wash it every day. And when you do dont put cond. on your scalp only on the ends then run your hands across the top when your done.

Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

Comb your hair

Shampoo your hair weekly twice

Plz tell me how to maintain a good hairs and what r the tips to have healthy hair?

good hair tips:

Vitamins for hair growth

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

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